How To Delete Messages On iPhone From Both Sides in 2024?

In this article, we will learn how to delete messages on iPhone from both sides. Let us take a look.

If you’re an iPhone user, you might have found yourself in a situation where you sent a message that you regretted, or you accidentally sent a message to the wrong person.

In such cases, you might want to delete the message from both sides, yours and the recipient’s.

Fortunately, it’s possible to delete messages on iPhone from both sides.

In this article, we’ll show you how to delete messages on iPhone from both sides.

Deleting messages on iPhone from both sides is not as straightforward as deleting messages on your own device.

You need to have access to the recipient’s device as well.

However, it’s possible to delete messages from both sides if you follow the right steps.

Whether you want to delete a single message or an entire conversation, we’ve got you covered.

Why Delete Messages On iPhone From Both Sides?

Deleting messages on iPhone from both sides can be a helpful way to keep your conversations private and secure.

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Here are a few reasons why you might want to delete messages:

  • Privacy: If you share your iPhone with someone else, you might not want them to see your private messages. Deleting messages from both sides can help ensure that your conversations remain private.
  • Security: If you have sensitive information in your messages, such as passwords or financial information, you might want to delete them to keep them secure.
  • Space: If your iPhone is running low on storage space, deleting messages from both sides can help free up some space.

Deleting messages from both sides can also be a good way to clear out old conversations that you no longer need or want to keep.

This can help keep your iPhone organized and make it easier to find the messages that are important to you.

Overall, deleting messages from both sides can be a helpful way to keep your conversations private, secure, and organized.

It’s a simple process that can help you manage your messages more effectively and keep your iPhone running smoothly.

How To Delete Messages On iPhone From Both Sides

If you want to delete messages on your iPhone from both sides, there are a few simple steps you need to follow.

By doing so, you can ensure that the messages are permanently deleted from both your device and the recipient’s device.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Open Messages App

The first step is to open the Messages app on your iPhone.

This is the app you use to send and receive text messages.

Step 2: Select Conversation

Next, select the conversation that contains the messages you want to delete.

You can do this by tapping on the conversation in the Messages app.

Step 3: Tap and Hold Message

Once you have selected the conversation, tap and hold on the message you want to delete.

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This will bring up a menu of options.

Step 4: Choose ‘More’ Option

From the menu of options, choose the ‘More’ option.

This will bring up a new menu with additional options.

Step 5: Select Messages to Delete

From the new menu, select the messages you want to delete.

You can select multiple messages by tapping on each one.

Step 6: Tap ‘Delete’ Button

Once you have selected the messages you want to delete, tap the ‘Delete’ button.

This will remove the messages from your device.

Step 7: Confirm Deletion

Finally, confirm the deletion by tapping the ‘Delete’ button again.

This will permanently delete the messages from both your device and the recipient’s device.

By following these simple steps, you can easily delete messages on your iPhone from both sides.

This is a great way to ensure that your private conversations remain private and that sensitive information is not accidentally shared with others.

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How To Permanently Delete Messages On iPhone

If you want to permanently delete messages on your iPhone, you can follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open Settings App

First, locate the Settings app on your iPhone and tap on it to open it.

Step 2: Tap on General

From the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on the ‘General’ option.

Step 3: Select ‘iPhone Storage’ Option

Next, scroll down and select the ‘iPhone Storage’ option.

Step 4: Find Messages App

Scroll down the list of apps until you find the Messages app.

Tap on it to open it.

Step 5: Tap on Messages App

Once the Messages app is open, you will see an option to ‘Offload App’.

Tap on it.

Step 6: Choose ‘Delete App’ Option

You will see a prompt asking if you want to delete the app.

Choose the ‘Delete App’ option.

Step 7: Confirm Deletion

Finally, confirm the deletion by tapping on ‘Delete’.

By following these steps, you can permanently delete messages on your iPhone.

Keep in mind that this will delete all messages and conversations from the Messages app, so make sure to back up any important messages before deleting the app.

Key Takeaways

Deleting messages on your iPhone from both sides can be a tricky process, but it is possible.

Here are some key takeaways to remember:

  • You can only delete messages from both sides if you have access to both iMessage accounts.
  • To delete a message from both sides, you’ll need to delete it on a device connected to each account.
  • Once a message is deleted on both sides, it is permanently removed and cannot be retrieved.
  • There are third-party apps, such as Tiger Text, that allow you to delete messages from both sides, but both the sender and receiver must have the app installed.
  • The iCloud option is a great feature, as it allows you to delete messages from multiple devices.

Remember to think carefully before deleting messages from both sides, as once they’re gone, they’re gone for good.

And always make sure you have access to both iMessage accounts before attempting to delete messages from both sides.

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