How To Prevent Eye Strain While Using Your Apple Devices

Nowadays, people are spending an unprecedented amount of time glued to their screens.

The incredible popularity of Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks has played a significant role in this trend.

These sleek and versatile gadgets have seamlessly integrated into every facet of our lives, from communication to entertainment, work, and even health tracking. Unsurprisingly, the ubiquity of smart devices comes with some downsides.

If your 9 to 5 consists of sitting in front of a computer screen, then you may be clocking out only to spend even more time browsing on your phone.

This can unfortunately lead to problems like difficulty sleeping, neck pain, headaches, and, of course, eye strain.

While Apple devices are equipped with accessibility features like Screen Time, understanding how to prevent eye strain while using your devices is still crucial.

Read on for some useful tips on tools you can use and how you can customize your Apple device to make for a more comfortable user experience.

Tips For Preventing Eye Strain While Using Apple Devices

Tips For Preventing Eye Strain While Using Apple Devices 

Clean Your Screen Regularly 

Whether the light is coming from your screen or outside, glare can make your eyes work harder.

A simple solution that’s also good for hygiene purposes is to keep your device’s screen clean. Dirt, oil, and germs can accumulate quickly on our iPads and iPhones.

As such, it’s recommended that you make sure cleaning your phone screen turns into a daily habit. 

Begin by turning off your device and unplugging any connected cord. Then, using a lint-free or microfiber cloth, wipe the screen in small circular motions, working around the entire screen.

Refrain from using rough materials like paper towels that can scratch the screen. Keeping your screen clean can improve visual clarity, strain your eyes less, and ensure that your Apple device is well-maintained and lasts longer.

Turn On Dark Mode 

The idea behind dark mode is that it reduces the light emitted by device screens while maintaining the minimum color contrast ratios required for readability.

It’s better for low-light conditions, it emits less blue light, it can prolong battery life, and when employed at night time it can reduce eye strain and dry eyes.

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Experts have even noted that dark mode can help individuals with light sensitivity. You can enable the system-wide dark mode through Apple’s native capability, which is available on the iPhone, iPad, and iMac.

Wear Blue Light Glasses 

Although there has been no definitive proof that wearing blue light glasses reduces eye strain, doctors agree that the blue light our devices emit can still affect our circadian rhythm.

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Before the widespread use of artificial light, the darkness during sunset and evening signaled our bodies to start producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for making us fall asleep.

Today, however, we’re exposed to light all day and well into the night due to our devices.

To minimize the effects of prolonged exposure to blue light from your iPhone or MacBook, you can try wearing blue light glasses.

EyeBuyDirect has affordable yet stylish frames like the Vinyl or Algorithm glasses. These glasses are made with filters in the lenses which prevent blue light and UV light from getting through.

Furthermore, they can help ease your insomnia and make the experience of using your devices more comfortable. 

Use Smart Invert On Your Device

If you’re not a fan of enabling dark mode on your iPhone, an alternative is to invert the colors of your screen instead.

Compared to the Classic Invert, Smart Invert, Apple’s updated accessibility option darkens bright, white content but leaves content like images and videos unchanged.

This can relieve discomfort when staring at your Apple device’s screen for extended periods of time. 

Abide By The 20/20/20 Rule 

Lastly, ophthalmologists recommend that you practice the 20/20/20 rule especially if you spend the majority of your day sitting in front of your iMac screen.

This is a simple tip that requires you to look away from your screen every 20 minutes, then focus your eyes on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Doing this allows your eye muscles to relax and gives your brain the respite it needs.

It’s vital to do what you can to prevent eye strain because when your eyes are rested, your body is energized, and you may even find yourself having a more productive work day.

Give these tips a try the next time you find yourself spending hours and hours in front of a screen.

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