Common Functions Businesses Outsource To Save Money And Improve Efficiency

Outsourcing is nothing new, but it’s become a lot more prevalent over the last few decades. Companies looking to cut costs, improve efficiency and focus on their core competencies turn go this route with great success.

However, the success of such ventures depends on how much care the company takes in choosing which functions to outsource and into finding the right partner.

In this article, the team from help desk outsourcing explains more about the common functions that businesses like yours farm out. 

Information Technology (IT) Services

 Many businesses, especially smaller ones, outsource their IT functions to specialized firms. These services may include:

  • Software development
  • System maintenance
  • Helpdesk support, and 
  • Cybersecurity. 

By partnering with an industry expert, companies access cutting-edge technology and expertise without the need for significant in-house investments.

Customer Support

Investing in keeping your clients happy always delivers a high return. However, managing an in-house customer support team is  resource-intensive.

Customer Support

Businesses often outsource customer support functions to call centers or virtual assistants.

This not only reduces costs but also ensures 24/7 support, often in multiple languages, improving the overall customer experience.

It also provides organizations with flexible support options and the ability to upscale operations quickly. If you need to build an expert team quickly, this is an excellent way to go about it. 

Human Resources Management

HR functions can be tricky in terms of maintaining compliance and a happy workforce.

Companies often outsource functions like payroll and wellness programs so that they can focus on their core capabilities instead of worrying about whether they’ve worked out the tax properly.

Hiring a specialist in this area makes it easier to keep on the right side of labor laws and industry best practices. 

Accounting and Finance

If there’s one area where companies can’t afford to make mistakes, it’s when it comes to their finances and tax. Under-reporting income, even in error, leads to severe penalties and sometimes even jail time. 

Hiring professionals skilled in navigating confusing tax laws makes good business sense. Having an accountant manage your books also ensures accurate record-keeping. 

Marketing and Advertising

Many companies farm out their marketing efforts, such as digital marketing, content creation, and advertising campaigns.

Considering how saturated the digital landscape is, it makes sense to entrust this function to a company with the requisite expertise.   

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Experts keep up with the latest best practices and understand the vagaries of the various platforms. They understand what every new Google update means for you and your team. 

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The days of being able to manage a fleet of vehicles relatively inexpensively are long gone.

With the costs of fuel, insurance, drivers, and so on, most businesses find it easier to partner with companies that have the resources and skills they need. 

A specialist logistics company can operate more profitably because they can lump together several loads. They can also drop off one load and load the next to make sure their trucks are always productive. 

Manufacturing and Production

Many companies handle manufacturing processes through another company. It’s especially common, for businesses that don’t want to invest heavily in production facilities or lack the expertise in a particular area.

Contract manufacturers can handle the production of goods, allowing the business to focus on product design, marketing, and distribution.

Data Entry

Data Entry and Back-Office Operations

Tedious and repetitive tasks like data entry, document processing, and back-office operations are easy for service providers to handle. 

This enables businesses to allocate their resources more strategically and improve overall productivity.

It also enhances employee satisfaction because they don’t have to handle these boring tasks. 

The company you partner with here might use a mix of human staff and technology to complete these jobs more quickly and efficiently than you can. 

Legal Services

Legal functions, including contract drafting, intellectual property management, and compliance, are commonly outsourced to law firms or legal service providers.

This ensures that businesses receive expert legal advice and support without the need for an in-house legal team.

While you might never envisage the need for legal services beyond contract management, there are many areas where it may come into play.

A client may slip and fall on your premises, or a vendor may let you down, leading to severe reputational damage. Compliance issues may also cause you headaches without the right advice. 

Facility Management

Facilities-related functions, such as maintenance, security, and cleaning services, are frequently outsourced. This is especially common in larger organizations or those with multiple locations.

Outsourcing facility management allows businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring a well-maintained and secure working environment.


In conclusion, outsourcing various business functions has become a strategic move for companies aiming to optimize their operations.

Choosing the right functions to outsource depends on the specific needs and goals of each business. 

By leveraging the expertise of external service providers, businesses can enhance their efficiency, reduce costs, and stay competitive in today’s dynamic business environment.

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