
If you’re in the market for a moissanite engagement ring, you may have come across the brands Doveggs vs Charles and Colvard. Both brands offer high-quality moissanite stones, but which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll compare Doveggs moissanite vs Charles…
What is VVS1 moissanite? If you’re in the market for a diamond alternative, you may have come across moissanite. Moissanite is a popular and affordable option that looks very similar to a diamond. However, like diamonds, moissanite comes in different grades that affect its…
Can you shower with Moissanite? While moissanite is known for its durability and resistance to damage, it’s important to take proper care of your jewelry to ensure its longevity. Many people believe that showering with their moissanite jewelry is harmless, but is it really?…
Can Moissanite cut glass? This is a common question among those who are considering purchasing moissanite jewelry. The answer is yes, moissanite can cut glass. In fact, moissanite is one of the hardest gemstones, second only to diamonds. Moissanite stones have a rating of…
Colorless vs near colorless Moissanite. Moissanite stones come in a range of colors, from completely colorless to near colorless. The color grade of a moissanite stone can have a significant impact on its appearance, quality, and value. Colorless moissanite is the rarest and most…
Are you in the market for a moissanite stone but unsure which one to choose? Two popular options are classic moissanite vs forever brilliant moissanite. While both are great choices, they do have some differences worth considering before making your final decision. Classic moissanite…
If you’re in the market for a new piece of jewelry, you may have come across moissanite as an alternative to diamonds. Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone that is often marketed as a more affordable and ethical option to diamonds but, does moissanite have…
When was moissanite discovered? This stunning gemstone has a fascinating history that dates back over a century. In 1893, a French chemist named Henri Moissan discovered moissanite while examining rock samples from a meteor crater in Arizona. At first, he mistakenly identified the crystals…
If you’re in the market for an engagement ring or other fine jewelry, you’ve probably heard of moissanite. Moissanite is a popular alternative to diamonds that offers many benefits but why moissanite over diamond?  In this article, we’ll explore why moissanite might be the…